Estonian Lions Visit The Beach

“Is there anyone that can work with these little kids? The program is not for them and they are disruptive.” My first thoughts were, “Surely, someone from this team will want this opportunity, I am not good at playing with little kids, and I have too...

Camp in Estonia

We had a team in Estonia helping run two camps at Camp Gideon: a camp for the children from Sunbeam and an English camp. Here is the team: And here is a video of the fun times at the Sunbeam camp — Sunbeam is a center for children with disabilities, located in...

Bless The Children

A team from St. James United Methodist Church is at Camp Gideon in Estonia serving children from Sunbeam. Beautiful people, beautiful service – – – This slideshow requires...

Making Glasses and Selling Tide

Recently, I was blessed with the opportunity to travel to visit many Stoneworks International partners in Belarus, Ukraine, and Estonia. What an honor to meet people that give their lives to serve Him in the ways that He calls them and directs them. I heard about the...

Macy Frazier – Intern

We are very happy to welcome Macy Frazier as our intern for this summer. In Belarus, Macy will help Spring of Revival and the Family Homes, and she will teach at English camps. In Estonia, she will serve at Camp Gideon, helping run an English camp as well as a camp...

Sunbeam – Growth

Sunbeam is expanding, both inside the building and as well as outside. Ursula Randlaine, our previous director, has taken a job with the local city administration and is still very closely connected with Sunbeam. Liana Pold serves as the interim director while we...