Giving Thanks to Jesus for All His Goodness

Giving thanks to Jesus for all his goodness and provision in all seasons of life is important for all of us to do, and I want to do this to the faithful friends in Christ who have made the last season a very real and positive response to needs that have presented...

News from Romania

Hello all stoneworks friends – I want to thank the lord Jesus and all who pray and seek his face to further the kingdom of God here in Romania and all the places where you live. During the summer here in Romania it has been busy as usual, with ministry to a...

With Jesus We Are Well

Hello Stoneworks friends and co-labourers in Christ Jesus — This is the first update I’ve wrote since January this year and it has been a blessed 6 months which began in Romania for 9 days doing a food outreach to Secuieni village, giving 40 families a bag...

Following the Relationships

Three years ago, as I planned to travel from Serbia to Moldova, I realized that I needed a place to stay somewhere in central Romania because the distance was too great to drive in a day. I sent an email to a few friends and soon received an email from a friend of a...