More News Regarding the Bus Accident

We’re getting more news about the bus accident and the children from #8: From Sergei Tovstopyat: Today at 10 am, I talked to the director Tatyana Alexeyevna. At the moment, three children are in serious condition at a hospital in Cherepovets. Five children have...

A Tragedy in Russia

Stoneworks and our partners have been helping Orphanage #8 in St. Pete for many years. Today their bus was in an accident as they returned from a Spring Break holiday. The details are coming more clear, and it appears that a car (driven by a policeman) was passing the...

Men’s Retreat – Varanger, Norway

I’m happy to tell you that we got back from the March retreat in Varanger, Norway. We have been tremendously blessed through this fellowship, teaching, hardships and just time spent together with the brothers. We had a team from Russia: 2 guys from Nickel, 2...

Preparing the Way in Norway

I just returned from my trip to Norway. It went not exactly as I planned, but it was fruitful and interesting. First, we went to Vestre Jacobselv, to the Lutheran camp. The guys there happened to be very friendly and interested in this event. The site is just perfect....

HFO – Good News in Power

“…I have set before you life and death,  blessings and curses. Now choose life …” Dt. 30:19             God’s love wins hearts of men and that’s a fact. We are pleased to share with you the joy! Last...