
I’m happy to tell you that we got back from the March retreat in Varanger, Norway. We have been tremendously blessed through this fellowship, teaching, hardships and just time spent together with the brothers.

DSCN0609We had a team from Russia: 2 guys from Nickel, 2 from Polarny, 1 from Zelenoborsky and 2 from Murmansk. There also was a team from Germany – 5 men from Detmold, a city in Northern Germany. Also 3 men from local church in Vadso joined us, and a guy from Vestre Jacobselv. So we were an international multi lingual and multi cultural team.

We had really great time. men opened their hearts and poured out their lives, confessed sins and shared their testimonies. We listened about Fartherhood, about purposes in life and Manhood Plan. We participated at Sunday Service in Vadso Church and after that we had a very extreme ski trip where we practiced all the lessons we learned at the seminar.

It was really a blessing, this time was filled with anointing, openness, brotherhood, with His presence. We see God is starting something big here, and we will keep working with Him.