I just returned from my trip to Norway. It went not exactly as I planned, but it was fruitful and interesting.
First, we went to Vestre Jacobselv, to the Lutheran camp. The guys there happened to be very friendly and interested in this event. The site is just perfect. It has a large meeting hall, a dining room, very cozy rooms. They are offering full service – all meals, sauna, everything.
Their price is 800 NOK a person per 3 days ($180), but they make discounts for those who are not able to pay, down to zero. Very interesting system. You evaluate your financial ability and according to that you make decision whether you pay 100%, 50%, or even 0%. You have to be fair with God, yourself and the guys at the camp. I like that!
It looks like there will be more men from Norway attending. We had a meeting in Vadso church, and a few men decided to attend (at right). We couldn’t make it to Tromso, it appeared to be much farther than I expected… But that’s ok… The Lutheran priest, Arne, is coming from Lakselv probably with some men.
We also tried to scout the route for the trip after the conference but haven’t completed it. We skied 18 km to a lake, which appeared to be very small and not very attractive. And we were too exhausted to ski to another lake right after that. So this question still needs to be solved.
But I’m happy with what we have achieved. Now we have much certainty about where we will gather and who will be there.
Pastor Boimah ‘MaX’ Yekee preaching in Norwegian and English in Pentecostal Church in Vadso, Finnmark, Norway: