Sunbeam nears completion

We are having success and small miracles every day. We don’t yet know the exact opening day for Sunbeam. When we complete the necessary work in first group room, the Health Board and Fire Inspector will give their approval. Then the license for service will be...

Travels in Scandinavia

Recently I went to Sweden with three other men from our ministry. We visited three churches and spent some time with the pastors of those churches. We told them about a conference in December and a retreat in March, which they were especially interested in since it...

Driving a Loaf

I’ve had quite a few men’s meetings recently. On October 2nd we had a men’s meeting in Murmansk and on Oct 5th we had a men’s meeting in Monchegorsk. Last Friday, Oct 12th, we had a men’s meeting in Nickel. There were very few of us, but...

In the North

North of the Arctic Circle, tundra near Murmansk, looking toward the Barents Sea Above the Arctic Circle — I’ve just returned from visiting Stoneworks missionary Yura Belonozhkin and see the work he’s doing up north. I met some wonderful people and...

Heart for Orphans – Camp’s News

We spent two weeks in a camp “Druznikh” with team of Christians from San Antonio, Oak Hill church. The camp is located near the Gulf of Finland, a very beautiful place. The camp hosts more then 600 wonderful kids and teens, and 60 of them are orphans. The great desire...

Team Arrives!

The team from Athens, GA arrived today safe and sound. After some good soup at Vladimir and Marijana’s everyone is sleeping soundly. Tomorrow we will have a conversation club and “USA Night” at a local university. Building relationships and sharing...