by Vladimir Ćizmanski | Sep 4, 2017 | Montenegro
Dear spiritual family, It is really long, actually, too long time since we wrote an update. Sporadically we were in touch with some of you during these past months, but I really apologize for being so slow in this area. We value your patience in waiting to get this...
by Boldy | Jan 16, 2016 | News, Projects
A real winter season came, as we didn’t have snow till near the end of December. During these Christmas holidays God had wrapped with snow our city and we have a lot of it now! You can see many lights all over...
by Boldy | Nov 4, 2015 | News, Projects
This slideshow requires JavaScript. HFO ministry so thankful for all support, care and prayers. We would like to share what has been happening over the past few months: We preached the Gospel in the camp; with your help provided humanitarian assistance to young...
by Boldy | Jul 9, 2015 | News, Projects
Dear family in Christ, First of all, we are very thankful to you for your support and prayers. This is our joint ministry with you, in other words, the testimony of the Light for children and young people who are deprived of parental care and love. Second, we wanted...
by Boldy | Apr 30, 2015 | News, Projects
One of the highlights of this month was a seminar that we organized for young mothers orphan graduates where we also invited young mothers and fathers from a church. The theme of the seminar was “How to raise kids from birth up to three years.” Our goal was to...