HFO – Other relationships – love and care

One of the highlights of this month was a seminar that we organized for young mothers orphan graduates where we also invited young mothers and fathers from a church. The theme of the seminar was “How to raise kids from birth up to three years.” Our goal was to...

HFO – Visiting, Hiking with Orphans

We continue our friendship with children in orphanages and with graduate orphans as well. Now all children and young adults are very busy because the school year has begun. Yet, we were able to participate and carry out some activities for kids in orphanage and for...

HFO – Summer News

Greetings to you our brothers and sisters, dear friends in Jesus Christ. It is last month of summer and this summer is full of all sorts of answers to prayers. In our letters we were sharing some prayer requests. And we know that many of you are praying for our...

HFO – Reality of Russian Orphans

Who are they – these Russian orphans for whom we have a heart? Today in Russia there are between 2 -5 million homeless children, with 800 thousand orphans living in orphanages. A growing number of children are known as ‘social’ orphans. They represent 90%...