Together We Can Do A Lot

Hello dear friends! We want to share what we have been doing in the last month. We continue the work of youth and children’s clubs. On average, 25 people come to youth clubs, an average of 30 people come to children’s clubs. The kids clubs are actively...

Aleluyya !!!!!

We congratulate you on the past holidays. We are glad that last year was a new stage in our relations. We would like to talk about how our last month went. It was an eventful month. In early December, Larry visited us, it was an amazing time, a time when friendship...

Extravagant Love In Moldova

Stoneworks board member Larry Heller reports on his recent visit to Moldova: In early December, I made a somewhat last minute trip to visit Victor and Victoria Urasinov in Soroca, Moldova. I’ll admit, I was drawn there in large part by the two winsome young people,...

New Partners: Victor & Victoria Urasinov

I am again pleased to introduce new partners; today we welcome Victor and Victoria Urasinov. They live in Soroco, Moldova and have been good friends for the past few years. Stoneworks has sent teams and financial support for their ministry, and now we welcome them to...

Montenegro and Moldova

Three weeks, 5000 miles (8000km). I had a very fulfilling 2 weeks in Montenegro and Serbia before visiting new ground in Romania and Moldova. It’s always great to see Central and Eastern Europe. I traveled with my family, so it was much cheaper to drive than to...