More from Alina

Here’s an update from Alina Pizhova, a Russian foster parent. You can support her by visiting the Stoneworks support page: Hello friends! How are you these days? Busy before the holidays?!! We are doing alright in general; finishing the semester at school. Danik...

About Danik

News from Alinia Pizhova, foster parent in St. Petersburg. Hello dear friends! I would like to tell you more about us. This note I will devote to Danik (Daniel). Danik is 15 and studies at the 8th grade. He is doing very good at school especially he has a good talent...

God’s Perfect Timing

Alina Pizhova is foster parenting two children. Even though their life is hard right now, their faith is growing. Here is good update from Alina — Hello Dear Friends! I would like to thank everyone for the prayer and for the support! God is doing miracles! I...

Alina: Foster Care in Russia

You can see Alina’s first update here. Hello my dear friends! Praying this letter will find you well! I have written recently sharing with you about our new life together. I am grateful to you for you prayers and support. With God’s grace and mercy we are...

Helping a Foster Parent in Russia

MIR, in partnership with Stoneworks, is helping Alina as she becomes a foster parent. Alina participated in MIR’s New Family program a few years ago. Alina is partially supported by donors in the US, a family that hosted these children as part of MIR’s hosting...