News from Alinia Pizhova, foster parent in St. Petersburg.

Hello dear friends!

I would like to tell you more about us. This note I will devote to Danik (Daniel). Danik is 15 and studies at the 8th grade. He is doing very good at school especially he has a good talent to study languages. He dreams after he graduates school to study languages at Saint- Petersburg State University to become a linguist translator.

This summer he was trying to enroll to special linguistic school that is connected to the SPB University, but unfortunately he failed and the reason was that he hadn’t studied French. At this school they study French from the 7th grade besides English language. Danya didn’t study French before so he was not able to enter this special school. This year he wants to take a course on French to be able to pass the exams to this school next year.This week he has an opportunity to start a course on French. This is in addition to English language that he studies at school.

As you already know that it has been a struggle for us to pay the monthly rent and the courses are not cheap either, but I will do my best in order for Danik to be able to sudy! I will do my best to find some money and pay the courses. The first payment has to be done for two months and then we will pay for one each. The first semester of this school year is almost over and we cannot pospone it. Please pray for Danya to be able to study.

I also would like to ask to pray for good friends for him. He wants to have friends, the group of friends from the orphanage doesn’t suit him and he doesn’t have much desire to be connected with them.When he was in the orphanage he usually didn’t go out much. He is a teenager and he is trying everything and testing everything, and his past was not easy and the background as well. He really needs your prayer support and we thank you for remembering us in your prayers!


If you’d like to support Danik and the family, visit our Support page and choose MIR: Foster Family, or send a check to Stoneworks with that on the memo line.