With a Heart Wide Open

I know it’s been awhile since we sent an update but we’ve just been extremely busy. If you’ve been keeping up with me via Facebook or other social media then you probably know why. But if you haven’t then let me fill you in. After a summer filled with weddings, camps,...

As The Flowers Bloom, So Does Our Church

Hello all! The past few months seem to have flown by, as Ruvim’s family prepares for his brother’s wedding and our team prepares for summer camps. It’s been an exciting time of parties and celebrations that brought us out of the dark, frost-bitten winter. As the...

Truly, Truly, He has Risen

Greeting to readers around the world from Ukraine. I hope this Easter holiday has found you well, joyous and rejoicing in the. Spring is FINALLY upon us. We’re eagerly awaiting the blossoming Sakura (Japanese Cherry Blossom) trees. I, Haley, am personally awaiting the...

A Light in the Dark

It’s been a long time since I’ve updated you. Sorry about that, I’ll try to stay more on top of it. Although I felt like there wasn’t so much to say, I’m sure Jesus felt differently. Winter was long, and cold and grey. I cannot even begin to describe how the damp,...

Seeing Jesus Come to the People

So I need to clarify things before I even try to explain life over here to you. The region I live in is called Transcaprthia. It is the valley in the south-western side of Ukraine after the Carpathian Mountains. It is 250 kilometers from L’viv, the city I began...

Making Glasses and Selling Tide

Recently, I was blessed with the opportunity to travel to visit many Stoneworks International partners in Belarus, Ukraine, and Estonia. What an honor to meet people that give their lives to serve Him in the ways that He calls them and directs them. I heard about the...