Norwegian Prayer Conference

Yura Belonozhkin reports: A couple of days ago we returned from our expedition across Varanger Peninsula in Norway. I’m still in Vadso, Norway, waiting to go to the Barentz Region Prayer Conference in Lakselv, Norway, which will start on Friday. I’m using...

Far Northern Russia, and Norway!

We got back from our vacation in Saint Pete early in the morning on Jul 6. We didn’t do much when we were on vacation, but Masha led 3 classes in Zhatva Church. I met with the pastor of Zhatva, Igor Sokolov, and we discussed his participation at our winter...

Intern #1 Has Arrived!

Caroline Bennighof will be interning with Stoneworks this summer. She arrived in Helsinki today safe and sound. She will help us in Russia and then join our work in Montenegro later this month. Our other intern, Krystal Smith, arrives next week. Caroline is from...

More News from Camp Elama

The team from Teen Mania continues to do very well at Camp Elama. The weather has cleared up (after a few cool, rainy, windy days), and the US students and the Russian campers are growing closer and enjoying their time together. We said a tearful goodbye to the Riley...

Teen Mania at Camp Elama

WWW.ASPIROADVENTURE.COM/BROCHURE/JS/ Teen Mania sent a team to run a camp; they arrived a few days ago. Everything is going well, though the mosquitoes have been a sight to behold (and slap). The team has been helping open up Camp Elama after the winter’s...