I’ve just arrived in Russia after a memorable trip. I left St. Petersburg, Russia on July 12 with Caroline Bennighof, a Stoneworks intern, heading to Estonia. There we picked up Kristjan Pold and Krystal Smith (another Stoneworks intern) and then drove to Montenegro. I am glad that we could give our interns (who have become like family to us) a broad range of experiences, driving through central Europe and experiencing a variety of ministry opportunities.

Our time in Montenegro was the heart of the trip. We served the local church in prayer and worship services. We helped run a youth camp in the mountains. While the work was challenging, the fruit has been good. We very much enjoyed laboring with Vladimir & Marijana Cizmanski and Violeta Pavetic.

While in Montenegro, we served at the camp with a team from Students With A Testimony (SWAT), and ministry based in Athens, Georgia. God touched our hearts and the hearts of those to whom we ministered.

The Lord continues to impress upon us how important it is for us to abide in Him, and to let Him determine the fruit of our ministry, and above all that we must love Him and love others with His love. Love is more important the projects.

After our time in Montenegro, we drove up to Finland. From there, Caroline and Krystal (with Caroline’s mother who came over to join us) returned home and I (and Olga & Valerie) drove to Russia to complete the circuit. All together, we traveled 7932 km (4928 miles) in the van. We visited Budapest, Vienna, Auschwitz/Birkenau, Tallinn, Helsinki and many other places, while traveling in 14 countries, from the Baltics to the Balkans.

This was a very fulfilling trip. On the drives to and from Montenegro, we had great times of conversation and fellowship. We listed to, and discussed, several recordings by Elisabeth Elliot. I am very thankful for the trip, and I’m sad to see this time come to an end. However, God’s best is ALWAYS ahead, and we look forward to what the Lord has planned, for we know that He has good work prepared in advance for us to do.

Here are few pictures from the trip, in no particular order: