HFO – The Mother is a Young Orphan

A desired baby is a special joy in the family. The family is preparing for the forthcoming miracle. The father in different ways supports his wife. Future parents choose a maternity hospital and doctor, if possible. Particular attention is paid to the preparation of...

2012 Highlights and Beyond. . .

We have a 9-month old! After a summer in the U.S., we arrived back in St. Petersburg in the end of August. David was almost 8 weeks old upon our arrival, but a month later we had to go to Estonia to get him a new visa. So we had sort of a parenting trial by fire as we...

A Personal Update

Olga Goncharenko, in Belarus, has this short personal news to share… We have two exciting events: Our baby girl Erika was dedicated on August, 8 2010. And our son Thomas is starting school this September. ~Olga

The Bull Report

John has been going out to Elama with Sergei more often to work on getting the camp ready for the Georgia team. The Georgia team will be helping build a couple of buildings on the property. I know the kids that use the camp will be grateful for all the hard work that...

News from Liz Hulley

Dear Friends, The most significant event of 2010 so far has been turning in my application for a temporary residency permit! Prayers for God’s favor were truly answered. It doesn’t mean the process is over; they have only begun to examine my documents, which will take...