by Vladimir Ćizmanski | Jun 10, 2015 | Montenegro
Dear co-soldiers of His kingdom. It looks like yesterday when we were distributing shoeboxes. And now we are close to the half of the year. In the mean time many good and interesting things have happened. First generation of Graduates Last time I sent short report of...
by Vladimir Ćizmanski | Mar 12, 2015 | Montenegro
Dear brothers and sisters, I just want to share short news and need for special prayer for next 7-10 days. We are in campaign in preparation for evangelistic meeting with Rabindranath Maharaj on March 17-18 in Podgorica, Montenegro. Rabin Maharaj is on a tour through...
by Mike Cantrell | Mar 28, 2013 | Russia
Stoneworks and our partners have been helping Orphanage #8 in St. Pete for many years. Today their bus was in an accident as they returned from a Spring Break holiday. The details are coming more clear, and it appears that a car (driven by a policeman) was passing the...
by Mike Cantrell | Mar 13, 2011 | Montenegro
Here is an update from pastor Vladimir Cizmanski — Hello friends, We were in Serbia for five days trying to make as much as possible for Marijana’s health situation (she was diagnosed two months ago with endometriosis). We were able to make our documents...