by Mike Cantrell | May 5, 2016 | Ukraine
I’ve just returned from a very nice trip to Latvia and Ukraine. It’s a joy to see God giving relationships that are both new and deepening. A few months ago in the USA I met a family that adopted three Latvian brothers. They wanted to find the birth...
by Stoneworks International | Apr 7, 2016 | Ukraine
March has been the most trying month here in Ukraine so far. Between beginning new ministries, welcoming a second missionary and spending a day in the hospital, I was craving my warm bed back in the States. But as with many things, God, had other plans. “Plans...
by Stoneworks International | Mar 21, 2016 | Ukraine
Our first day working in our new Children’s Ministry in the gypsy village was fun-filled and packed with Jesus! Ruvim and I left the house and began shopping for supplies, snacks and stickers for the kids. On the way we prayed in the car for God to lead us into...
by Stoneworks International | Mar 16, 2016 | Projects, Ukraine
The Pilgrims (Youth to Jesus program) are growing into new possibilities. The summer time is spent traveling to run camps for the youth across the country, English camps, and leadership training. The Youth to Jesus Program has also started a monthly movie night for...
by Stoneworks International | Feb 25, 2016 | Ukraine
The Youth to Jesus program has been flourishing for a decade here in L’viv, Ukraine. Many youth have come to the Student Center for English lessons and stayed to hear about our Savior, Jesus Christ. The Student Center was purchased four years ago and has...