New Partner: Russia Family Homes

Stoneworks is excited and grateful to welcome Marina Topoltseva and the Russia Family Homes Ministry. For eighteen years, Stoneworks leaders have been partnering with Marina Topoltseva in her mission to care for and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with orphans and...

New Partners: All Nations Christian Center

I am very glad to introduce another new partner. All Nations is led by my dear friends Kakule and Julia Loluako. Stoneworks is committed to supporting the work of local churches, submitting to local leadership and helping them do what God is calling them to do. All...

I Was Shouting “Jesus”

Hi again, Now I will try to tell what has been going on here. We returned from Norway less than a week ago. To tell the truth, we all hated to go. The church made a farewell party the last Sunday we were there. They all brought food from home, nobody wanted to go home...

News From Liz

Dear Stoneworks family, We are 3 weeks into a new school year, but the Stoneworks reunion remains a bright spot in our memories of Summer 2018: fellowship, voices lifted in praise to God, and heartfelt testimonies. We left for the conference just a few days after...

Arctic Men’s Fellowship News

First of all, sorry for the very short and absolutely uninformative last month’s report. Ministry in Vadsø Just as a short note, the current situation there: There’s no pastor in Vadsø, Max moved to the south of Norway last summer. This is when we closed the men’s...


The work is going on, some new lessons are ready, some coming soon. Preparing for our annual ski trip later this month and for the summer camp in Teriberka. The main news is – I got into a car crash. Yesterday on the way to Monchegorsk. This is a terribly busy...