HFO – Other relationships – love and care

One of the highlights of this month was a seminar that we organized for young mothers orphan graduates where we also invited young mothers and fathers from a church. The theme of the seminar was “How to raise kids from birth up to three years.” Our goal was to...

Tools of the Trade

Here’s a good example of how people can work together to fulfill God’s will: For the past several months we’ve been working to get some tools for Yura Belonozhkin. In this case, he needed a good computer (he’s starting to edit video for a new...

Ministry in the Far North

We are preparing for a Men’s Conference for later this month. So, I have to go to Olenegorsk and spend there almost all my free time getting ready. I’m rehearsing with the worship band (I play the drums!). We’re learning new songs and preparing...

Norwegian Bowling

Having fun at the men’s retreat. Walking along the River Sandfjordselva on Varanger Peninsula, Finnmark, Norway. Aug 04 2012. And here’s a report by one of the participants. You may not understand the language, but the visual tells a lot. Walking along the...

In the North

North of the Arctic Circle, tundra near Murmansk, looking toward the Barents Sea Above the Arctic Circle — I’ve just returned from visiting Stoneworks missionary Yura Belonozhkin and see the work he’s doing up north. I met some wonderful people and...