by Stoneworks International | Apr 21, 2015 | Estonia
Sarah is one of our three interns this summer. We welcome her into the Stoneworks family: Hello everyone! My name is Sarah Cole and I come from Athens, Georgia, the land of red dirt, which I have been happy to call my home for the past 17 years! Here are few fun facts...
by Stoneworks International | Apr 20, 2015 | Estonia
Sunbeam staff member Maria Rikkijeva is currently in the States as an intern with The Little Light House, a center for disabled children in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Above at center, she’s pictured with Bob and Mary Wallace, Janice Himmelsbach, pastor Artur Pold and his...
by Stoneworks International | Apr 17, 2015 | Estonia
Natasha McClain has a special story. We are very pleased that she will serve as an intern this summer. She will be in Estonia, helping at Sunbeam and then working at Camp Gideon before joining a mission team that will run a summer camp for children with disabilities. ...
by Stoneworks International | Apr 14, 2015 | Estonia, Montenegro
This summer Stoneworks sends three interns to serve in a variety of ways. Our first in the field is Anna Savelle (below, at far left). Anna will serve for 6 weeks in Montenegro, helping the Roma ministry. Then she’ll travel to Estonia to join our other two...
by Stoneworks International | Dec 21, 2014 | Estonia
Christmas month in Sunbeam is passing happily. We have hosted many nice visitors from Estonia and abroad. Children have had gifts and greetings from church groups from Finland and Norway. Little friends from a neighboring town kindergarten performed for our children....