by Yura Belonozhkin | May 18, 2017 | Russia
Musta Tunturi (Barren Tundras), Murmansk Region, Russia; April 28 — May 1, We have a 5-year tradition of ski trips on May holidays (usually first 3 days of May). The previous years we had them more like expanded ice fishing trips. We skied to our camp about 10...
by Yura Belonozhkin | May 30, 2016 | Russia
The very name “May Ski Trip” sounds intriguing. Even for those who live here in the North. It’s pretty odd to think about skiing when it’s already warm for a couple of weeks, and in the city the snow is almost gone. But we know that out there in tundra spring has not...
by Yura Belonozhkin | May 10, 2013 | Russia
We just returned from the ski trip men’s retreat. We were eight; we skied about 25 km. There was one unbeliever. We had Communion right there Thursday night.The weather was mostly bad, windy and snowing. But anyway, we had great time together. We could serve...
by Mike Cantrell | Feb 20, 2012 | Russia
Yura Belonozhkin reports on his recent men’s retreat in the Far North of Russia — Last night I got back home from our winter retreat. It was just amazing. The best retreat so far. We were 23 men from 10 towns in the region. We gathered in an abandoned...