Life and Light in Montenegro

Dear Fellow-soldiers in God’s kingdom, There is no justification for not writing a report of how things are going amongst us for such a long time. I hope that you will forgive me, especially those of you who help us from time to time or more regularly. Prayers and...

Done and Done!

I’ve just returned from Montenegro, where we had a great teen camp. Above you can see the campers, counselors and mission team. We had a house full! The theme of the camp was What Does the Bible Say About God’s Love.  The teenage members of the mission...

Montengro Camp Slideshow

Here’s a quick slideshow of the first few days of camp. I’m posting this from the shores of Black Lake in the Durmitor National Forest, not too far from where we’re staying. The kids are now on a photo scavenger hunt, taking pictures of places we...

In Montenegro

A team from St. James United Methodist Church in Athens, GA arrived in Montenegro yesterday. We drove over to Dubrovnik, Croatia to pick them up. We’ll be in Podgorica, Montenegro for a couple of days and then head up to the mountains to run a youth camp all next...

Vladimir Cizmanski — News from Montenegro

Here’s a recent update from Vladimir Cizmanski, pastor of the Brethren Assembly in Podgorica, Montenegro. We are grateful for all your prayers for us and the advancement of His kingdom in Montenegro. Before us there is a lot of work and there are many needs...