I’ve just returned from Montenegro, where we had a great teen camp. Above you can see the campers, counselors and mission team. We had a house full!

The theme of the camp was What Does the Bible Say About God’s Love.  The teenage members of the mission team did daily devotionals about God’s love for us, how we can love God, and how we can love others. We also had a very good discussion with the young men and women, separately, about godly relationships between men and women.

We also did a lot of hiking, sports, arts and crafts, and we had some very good food. The team brought some toritillas from the US (interestingly, Mission tortillas), and we had a very welcome Mexican meal. Team member Hannah Cole is at left with the treasure.

Attending the camp were young people from all over Montenegro — this is truly the national Christian teen camp. This is the third year we’ve held the camp and it continues to grow.

I’m now in Russia for just a few days before heading over to Estonia to meet our first ever mission team there. That will be my next post . . . .