Here’s a recent update from Vladimir Cizmanski, pastor of the Brethren Assembly in Podgorica, Montenegro.
We are grateful for all your prayers for us and the advancement of His kingdom in Montenegro.
Before us there is a lot of work and there are many needs present, but we are thankful to God that He gives us the strength to go on.
In memoriam
Some sad news which took us by complete surprise was the passing away from this world of our sister in Christ, Biserka. She had already been in hospital for a long time, but there had been no signs that she would be taken from us. She was only 56 years old and was one of the first people to give her life to the Lord at the start of our ministry.
We believe she has gone a much better place and is freed of the shackles that she wanted to be free of and now is looking at the face of her Saviour Jesus Christ.
Moving house
Some of already know that we moved into another house which is twice as large as the old one. We are very glad to have left the house where we have been for 10 years and which, especially in winter, had lots of problems with damp. This was one of the reasons for us moving, but the other reason was the need for a larger place that we could use for housing guests.
Tanja and Denis’s wedding
We are glad that Tanja and Denis from the Congo got married. It is a great challenge to find another individual knows the Lord and to sort out all the other things in married life together.
Even though we miss Tanja, because she now lives in Belgrade, we are happy that she has found her fellow-traveller through life.
Formation of a Vision and Mission Statement
In the course of the life of our small fellowship we have come to the conclusion that we should facet he challenge of asking ourselves what we are and what our desire is to become. For several weeks we have been getting together for special meetings to talk about a statement of our vision and mission. I believe that we are near the end of this process and that we will soon have a quality and an all-encompassing idea which will be an encouragement to hold fast to the goal of our existence.
We are very glad that the teenager work is continuing. A teenagers’ camp is very soon upon us, for which interest has been constantly growing. We believe that a new generation of people are coming that need even now to get to know Christ. We are praying that the camp would be a place where many will get to know the beauty and majesty of life with Him.
Picnics, 1st and 21st May
According to a well-established tradition, this year we had outings in nature where about 50 people attend each of them. Many of them were teenagers. This is a good opportunity for informal conversations, getting to know friends and for encouragement. On both outings there were people there that we had not had any contact with before. On the second picnic on the 21st May our guests were the Majerskis and David Brown from Northern Ireland. Brother David shared a message from the Bible which completed our enjoyment in natural surroundings that God created for us.