The “Bible Belt” of Norway

I recently attended a conference in Kristiansand. It is on the very Southern tip of Norway. That area is a kind of “Bible belt” of Norway. There were about 400 men from all over the country, except Finnmark. I was a sort of representative from Finnmark. šŸ™‚...

Men’s Conference – Russia

Last week was very busy. It started a week ago, last Wed, when my friend, a pastor and bishop from Archangelsk, Sergey Latyshev arrived to the Murmansk Airport. I picked him there and we went to Polarny, where we had a men’s group in the evening. It was...

Men’s Conference in the Far North

We recently had a men’s conference. It was the 1st event for men in the Murmansk Region in history. That fact itself was encouraging and exciting. We had it in the Olenegorsk Church. This is the only church in the area that can host such a conference because...

Norwegian Prayer Conference

Yura Belonozhkin reports: A couple of days ago we returned from our expedition across VarangerĀ Peninsula in Norway. I’m still in Vadso, Norway, waiting to go to theĀ Barentz Region Prayer Conference in Lakselv, Norway, which will startĀ on Friday. I’m using...