Women’s Ministry in Montenegro

From Marijana Cizmanski: Dear brothers and sisters! We are grateful to God that he gave us the opportunity to host around 130 women (approximately  80 believers and more than 50 nonbelievers), to hear about our worth as women, to hear that Christ is the one who died...

His Spiritual Building

Dear family in Christ, I started this letter some time ago… I first wrote: “We are already in the Fall… “ so you already know it was a while ago when I first started, and now we are already coming so quickly to the end of this year. The days, weeks and months are just...

Like Speaking to 10,000

Jane Kilgo and her sister Ann Coleman recently visited Montenegro where they ministered in partnership with the Word Of God Evangelical Church. Here is Jane’s encouraging report: Good morning Friends! This is just a note to update you that my sister, Ann, and I...


Christmas Program We are so excited that we had again had the privilege to host a Christmas program (Eastern Orthodox Christmas is on January 7th) with Samaritan’s Purse shoe boxes. We had one program in Cetinje (town 35 km away from Podgorica) for the first time. We...

News from Montenegro

Dear family in the Lord, Here is new from the Evangelical Church “Word of God”, in Podgorica, Montenegro. Puppets We were very happy that guests from Herzegovina helped with a puppet show: Christmas program / Shoe box distribution – Podgorica –...