I Don’t Even Know What It Really Was

I don’t even know what it really was. We called it a Conference, but obviously it wasn’t. It was some gathering of men mostly from Alta, and also from some other places of Norway around. I was the only non-Norwegian resident at the meeting. We have been planning this...

Powerful in Worship, Fellowship, Message

On December 2nd and 3rd, we had our annual men’s conference in the Murmansk Region. To tell the truth, I had a really hard time preparing it. God is taking me through some major changes, including changes in my character, my attitude toward people, ministry, God, and...

Bulgaria: Stepping into the Unknown

About a year ago I received a phone call from a man who I barely knew. He was telling me something about his friend from Moscow, his pastor who died a few months before, about mission in Bulgaria and other things, which couldn’t fit into my head. After some time of...

Struggling to Break Through Darkness

For some reason it was difficult. I don’t really know why, but there’s a great difference between preparing an event in Norway and in Russia. I mean, beyond obvious differences. Something inside of me responds very differently.  When I prepare a meeting in Norway, I...

In Full Daylight at 1 AM

The very name “May Ski Trip” sounds intriguing. Even for those who live here in the North.  It’s pretty odd to think about skiing when it’s already warm for a couple of weeks, and in the city the snow is almost gone. But we know that out there in tundra spring has not...