Revisiting Ruination

Liz Hulley writes — Last week I commented on the idea of feeling “messed up” or “ruined” for God. The problem with this concept is that if taken the wrong way it implies that we should shun the ordinary moments in life and/or the people who don’t feel “messed...

Another kind of anniversary

Another note from our own Liz Hulley  — This week, Russia celebrates 20 years of….McDonald’s! I would like to leave the fast-food (health) debate for the moment and comment on the culture implications. This kind of anniversary is interesting when...

Making an Effort

from On Life in St.Petersburg by Liz Hulley, missionary in Russia — A couple of kids whom I know in one of the orphanages are both expecting to be adopted soon, after having spent some time with American families.There is a light in their eyes now, or maybe a...

I Knew I was Russian . . .

From John Bull — When I was in the 6th grade I received 8 spankings (maximum allowed by the state of Arkansas) at school for selling fireworks at school. This year, Melissa’s second grade teacher gave the kids a gift for the Christmas holidays. It was . ....

Stretching the academic muscles

from On Life in St.Petersburg by Liz Hulley: I started my classes again this week. It’s sort of an inter-term because the new semester doesn’t really start until February. Since I paid for classes in January, I figured I’d better go. Can you tell I...