by Yura Belonozhkin | Dec 3, 2012 | Russia
We are preparing for a Men’s Conference for later this month. So, I have to go to Olenegorsk and spend there almost all my free time getting ready. I’m rehearsing with the worship band (I play the drums!). We’re learning new songs and preparing...
by Yura Belonozhkin | Oct 21, 2012 | News, Russia
I’ve had quite a few men’s meetings recently. On October 2nd we had a men’s meeting in Murmansk and on Oct 5th we had a men’s meeting in Monchegorsk. Last Friday, Oct 12th, we had a men’s meeting in Nickel. There were very few of us, but...
by Yura Belonozhkin | Jun 4, 2012 | Russia
Yura Belonozhkin reports — The main news – we had our first baptism and first communion in Polarny last week! We invited Bishop Peter from Olenegorsk, and he baptized our new sister Nastya. After that we had our first communion in Polarny. Before that...