Sunbeam: Guest Apartment

I haven’t reported much about one aspect of Sunbeam: our guest flat. We’ve wanted to create a place in the building where visiting guests can stay. To that end, we set aside some space on the second floor and over the past few months have been working on...

Sunbeam: Onward!

These are some good people: the leadership team of Sunbeam. Artur Põld and Andres Toome are board members and Ursula Randlaine is the program director. I’m honored to be a part of this team. Sunbeam continues to bring good news. More children are in the program...

On To Montenegro!

Montenegro Camp Land Earlier this month I visited Montenegro. In addition to having good family time (my sister-in-law and her family live there), I met a team from the USA that came over to continue the process we started several months ago: looking at land we hope...

Great News!

Andres Toome, board member of Sunbeam, writes: We got the license! Praise The Lord! We can take children in. guaranteed online loan approval Sunbeam received final permission to run the center. It’s a BIG day for us!!! For those who don’t know, Sunbeam is...