Sunbeam — Nearing the Time to Open

I’m in Estonia for a few days and had a good meeting at Sunbeam yesterday. Pictured above are Ursula Randlaine, Artur Põld, Liana Põld, Olga Cantrell and Valerie Cantrell. Sunbeam is in the final push to open. We need just a bit more money to...

Montenegro Youth Meeting

Violeta Pavetic is doing great work leading the youth ministry at the Brethren Assembly in Podgorica, Montenegro. Here is a quick update: On September 29th we started up the youth group for the 2012/2013 school year. As well as having an introduction to what would...

Discipleship Meets Renovation

We have an excellent project at Sunbeam right now. A local drug rehab center has a job training program, and some of the ex-drug addicts are helping finish up the heating system before the cold weather arrives. They are removing all the old iron radiators, cleaning...

Norwegian Bowling

Having fun at the men’s retreat. Walking along the River Sandfjordselva on Varanger Peninsula, Finnmark, Norway. Aug 04 2012. And here’s a report by one of the participants. You may not understand the language, but the visual tells a lot. Walking along the...