Haley Henson will be ministering as a long-term missionary based in L’viv, Ukraine. We are very thankful that the Lord has called us to partner with her in the work He has planned. Here is a word from Haley:

Haley HensonMy name is Haley Henson, I am 22 years old pursuing a degree in Social Sciences and Teaching English as a Second Language.

I came know Christ through the campus ministry (Ignite) at Southeast Missouri State University. It was through several short term mission trips to central America and Ukraine that God began to do work in my heart and reveal a passion for missions.

I went to L’viv, Ukraine with a team hoping to help provide a camp for the youth groups in Ukraine. We were excited to be joined by students from Chernovsti, Uhzgorod, Moldova and even Kyrgystan. At this camp I was asked to share my testimony and speak truth into the youth. I saw the Lord move in my words as many of the young people could relate to stories of trials and redemption in my life.

I was asked by a pastor and dear friend in L’viv if I would return to teach English to college students, assist with their preschool ministry and engage with the students of L’viv. I accepted this offer after careful prayer and consideration and we began to excitedly plan for my return this month.

I am thrilled to be doing the work of God and give myself over to his kingdom. I am most interested to see how He will increase in Ukraine, as we begin to decrease.