On To Montenegro!

Montenegro Camp Land Earlier this month I visited Montenegro. In addition to having good family time (my sister-in-law and her family live there), I met a team from the USA that came over to continue the process we started several months ago: looking at land we hope...

Team Arrives!

The team from Athens, GA arrived today safe and sound. After some good soup at Vladimir and Marijana’s everyone is sleeping soundly. Tomorrow we will have a conversation club and “USA Night” at a local university. Building relationships and sharing...

Estonia, a first

titlemax loans We celebrate a first for Stoneworks. We have sent our first mission team to Estonia. They return to the States on Thursday. For the first part of their trip, they lived in a camp with orphans, ministering the gospel.  The orphanage director, Riho, is...

The End of the Beginning

This building project has ended, just in time for the beginning of the summer. A team from Athens, GA returned yesterday from building two pavilions at Camp Elama, in Russia. Click here to see a slide show of their first few days. Pictured above is the large pavilion...

Wesley Foundation Team in Montenegro

Stoneworks has a team of “Living Stones” from the University of Georgia in Montenegro this week. Here is a picture of them when they arrived in Dubrovnik, Croatia.   Mike and Olga picked them up there and then drove to Podgorica. There was a rock slide on...