We Were Leaving Crying

Hello dear friends and partners, I know it’s been a while since I shared news with you last. Now it is the time. News #1: we are back in Russia again. We had to leave Norway because the migration officials didn’t allow me to work as a pastor without a Master’s degree...

Joys and Challenges

Hello dear friends and partners, Let me share some of our latest joys and challenges of our life and ministry here in the Arctic. The greatest joy is that I know we are at the place we must be and doing the work we are called to do together with our Heavenly Father....

I Was Shouting “Jesus”

Hi again, Now I will try to tell what has been going on here. We returned from Norway less than a week ago. To tell the truth, we all hated to go. The church made a farewell party the last Sunday we were there. They all brought food from home, nobody wanted to go home...

OK, We Are Here

Hello dear friends, This summer has been crazy. A lot of plans, a lot of cancelled plans, a lot of changes on the way. I will start with the main news of this summer, and later I will add more about what happened before. So, the main news: we finally moved to Norway....

Winter Norwegian Trip & Summer Plans

On New Year Holidays we took a trip to Finland and Norway. In Rovaniemi, Finland, we attended a prayer conference. This is an annual event, every year Dec 30 thru Jan 2. That is the best way to meet the New Year – to be together as a family, with the Church,...