by Liz Sukhovskaya | May 14, 2010 | Russia, Staff
Liz Hulley writes: There was something rubbing me the wrong way about some Sunday school play scripts we were looking at. The message of almost every scenario was either “You are special in God’s eyes” or “Everyone is special in God’s...
by Liz Sukhovskaya | May 6, 2010 | News, Russia
From Liz Hulley — I had a little friend at camp who captured my heart, about 7 or 8 years ago. She was just this shy little thing that would always beam at me in greeting. In “Russia-A Love Story,” I posted a photo of us together. That was a day when we were...
by Liz Sukhovskaya | May 4, 2010 | News, Russia, Staff
Dear Friends, The most significant event of 2010 so far has been turning in my application for a temporary residency permit! Prayers for God’s favor were truly answered. It doesn’t mean the process is over; they have only begun to examine my documents, which will take...
by Liz Sukhovskaya | Apr 18, 2010 | Russia, Staff
More interesting insights from Liz Hulley — While waiting for my pupils in the orphanage the other day, I amused myself by looking at the bulletin board set up in that particular group. Along with birthdays, awards, and other announcements, there was a list of...
by Liz Sukhovskaya | Apr 4, 2010 | Russia, Staff
From Liz Hulley — On Life in St.Petersburg A trek visit to the orphanage. Would it be worth it? It seemed like for the past few months I had often shown up at an inopportune time, when the kids were in bad moods or otherwise occupied. But I needed to at least...