God-appointed Encounters

Hello dear friends, Recently I got back home from a weeklong trip in Norway and Finland.  I just got to share some things with you about this trip. First, this was a long-postponed trip, which I was going to take in March. So, this was my second trip after my broken...

To Equip Women to Walk in the Lord

from Masha Belonozhkina — Hello dear friends. Here is some news about the ministry for women in the Russian arctic. There are 2 major directions of the ministry – inside the church and outside the church. 1. In October we started a new season for the...

A New Name

Over the past few years, Yura Belonozhkin’s ministry, which has been called Far Northern Russia, has expanded beyond his initial focus on northern Russia. In addition to his continued work in Russia, Yura’s ministry now crosses borders and serves men in...

Full of Action

This Fall has been different form any other Fall since we had moved North. It’s been really busy with the ministry.  Here I will try to tell what has happened this Fall in chronological order. 1.     Second semester in Seminary. Sep 6 I went to Moscow with my friend...