Arctic Witch City

Hello dear friends, Here is some more news about our move to Norway. We are trying to catch up. Spent last week working to fix the church building in Vardø and talking with people. In Vardø situation is very sad. There’s a church building which can sit up to 50...

Arctic Men’s Fellowship News

First of all, sorry for the very short and absolutely uninformative last month’s report. Ministry in Vadsø Just as a short note, the current situation there: There’s no pastor in Vadsø, Max moved to the south of Norway last summer. This is when we closed the men’s...


The work is going on, some new lessons are ready, some coming soon. Preparing for our annual ski trip later this month and for the summer camp in Teriberka. The main news is – I got into a car crash. Yesterday on the way to Monchegorsk. This is a terribly busy...

To Rest in Him

Well, my February update will not be as big as the last month’s. Vera is doing good. We are getting adjusted in our new church, attending seminars and meetings, building new relationships. The church leaders are willing to support our ministry. We are starting a new...

Wind, Snow, Sleet and Fog

Hello dear friends, Here’s an update of our family and ministry. A couple of days ago I returned from my trip to Bulgaria where we had a men’s retreat. This was the second retreat for men we had in Bulgaria. The first one was last year at exactly the same...