02-sunbeam-001Sunbeam is so very close to opening. The final inspection is  just days away.

Final work is being completed in the two group rooms, the Green Room and the Yellow Room, but we still have much more to do on the offices. We can start the program once the group rooms are finished. The offices and therapy rooms will hopefully be remodeled soon.

The health and fire inspectors have given preliminary approval and we have just a few small things to nail down before we have the certificate of occupancy. We hope to have children in the facility in the next few weeks.

Also, we hope to hear in the next few days if we’ve received another grant, this one for about $50,000, to finish the offices and therapy rooms and build a large ramp on the front of the building. We’re fairly confident that we’ll receive this grant.

As you can see from pictures below, there’s still a LOT to do on the offices, but the group rooms are in good shape.

Even though Sunbeam is receiving grants, we still need other, on-going, financial support to cover expenses not included in the grant applications.

Also, other parts of the building are being put to good use. The Salvation Army is renting a large portion of the second floor, and they are finishing the remodel and are doing great ministry. We’re glad to have them in our building. Local ministries will be renting some rooms and our activity hall for special occasions, and the city has plans to use some other rooms for social services. The building is coming to life more and more.

Here is how things looked today in the center for disabled children (starting from worst to best):

therapy room

therapy room



office 1

office 1

office 2

office 2

small hallway

small hallway

Yellow Room

Yellow Room

Green Room

Green Room

Green Room

Green Room

Green Room

Green Room

Green Room

Green Room