Dear brothers and sisters,

Here we are again on the verge of a new year! Can we believe that the whole year is behind us now?

It seems that recently both believers and non-believers have been talking about how quickly time is passing.  Before we know it what we plan for the future is already the past. Things are happening in the world so fast that we hardly notice them.

I have the feeling that the enemy of our souls is counting on that very fact, trying to numb us so that we do not think about the here and now, and that we do not get concerned when things do not work out according to God’s required standards.

I sense that attack even on myself and it is my prayer that we would pool our strength so as to be watchful together in prayer, seeing as we do not when our Lord will return, so that he does not catch us sleeping. (1 Thess.5:1-11)


Ever since we started to organise children’s camps, the desire was born to one day have our own venue that we could use not only for children and teenagers but also for various church activities throughout the year. This is still just a dream, but we are aware that all large projects start from dreams.

We do not have large donors, nor do we have promised funds but we do have a great God to whom everything visible and invisible belongs.

We share this dream with you and pray that it would happen according to His will.  We consider ourselves his servants, and realise that the direction this project takes does not depend on us.

However, we do believe that the seeds of this idea have been planted in our hearts by God.  There are many others who share the same dream and together we believe in that the Lord will provide.

If you too share this dream and if God is leading you towards realising this dream, please contact us.  Your prayers, thoughts and suggestions will be of great help to us.  We consider you co-workers in extending His kingdom and this is why we are sharing our dreams with you.

Preparations for Christmas packages and presentations

Again a great challenge approaches – the Christmas boxes are on their way!

Some are already asking whether there will be anything this year. The answer is yes, and we are very pleased about what is coming.

We believe that a great blessing from God is also coming through this, not only because children will get presents, but most importantly because there will be opportunities for God’s word to be heard!

This is also a time of challenges and temptations, therefore we ask you to intercede for us in front of His throne so that we can recognise and stand firm through every one of the enemy’s deceptions and traps, to be His worthy representatives to this ever darker world.

We pray that we would have more quality contact with the people we will be meeting.

To finish, we would like to thank you for your persistent support. We are joyful that the day is coming when we will together all see our Lord who gave His life that we could know Him.

May God bless you over the coming holidays and may we live this new year, 2010, as if he will come any day!


Vladimir and Marijana