Here’s a great post from Megan Berger (at right, below), Stoneworks missionary in St. Petersburg. Visit Megan’s blog to see more about her good work.


Last Saturday, I was able to go with Rita to visit her brother Misha who lives in a home for mentally handicapped children.

Misha struggles with a learning disability. This home is about two hours outside of the city so Rita and I took the metro and a bus to get there.

At first, I was really afraid but I knew I should go to support Rita. Once we got there, I struggled with the smell, it was horrible, but the second I met Misha my heart melted and nothing else mattered, but making him smile.

Just watching Rita, I saw such love and motherly characteristics. I pray that Misha will be able to be moved closer to the city so Rita could see him more.

We sat with Misha for a while and talked with him. Rita brought him some hot chocolate and candy. He was so happy and the whole time we were there, Misha held my hand and petted my hair.

It just made me so happy that I came and I smiled the whole time.