by Liz Sukhovskaya | Jan 29, 2010 | Russia, Staff
from On Life in St.Petersburg by Liz Hulley, missionary in Russia — A couple of kids whom I know in one of the orphanages are both expecting to be adopted soon, after having spent some time with American families.There is a light in their eyes now, or maybe a...
by Liz Sukhovskaya | Jan 21, 2010 | Russia, Staff
from On Life in St.Petersburg by Liz Hulley: I started my classes again this week. It’s sort of an inter-term because the new semester doesn’t really start until February. Since I paid for classes in January, I figured I’d better go. Can you tell I...
by Liz Sukhovskaya | Jan 13, 2010 | News, Russia
Liz Hulley is based in St. Petersburg, Russia. Here is her latest update. You can keep up with her at her great blog. Hello and Happy New Year! I returned in September and, as usual, “hit the ground running.” I started attending classes within a few days,...
by Liz Sukhovskaya | Nov 2, 2009 | Russia, Staff
Here is a recent post from Liz Hulley — Looking back at previous blog posts, I noticed that I often post something from Oswald Chambers in October. I wonder why that is. Perhaps the autumn brings about a kind of desperation that makes me reach for something...