I’m in Estonia for a few days and had a good meeting at Sunbeam yesterday. Pictured above are Ursula Randlaine, Artur Põld, Liana Põld, Olga Cantrell and Valerie Cantrell.
Sunbeam is in the final push to open. We need just a bit more money to open one of the rooms and have our first children in the program. Much work has been done and there’s quite a bit more to do. Most of the main systems of the building have been replaced or renovated, including heating, electric, floors, ceilings and bathrooms. The biggest issues right now are the need to install flooring ($1400), the hallway ceiling ($700) and the fire alarm system ($1800).
A Norwegian ministry donated an electric lift which will be very helpful. They also donated some items for the kitchen. We’ve also torn out some walls for what will be a guest apartment for short-term visitors.
Here are pictures of the work to date: