Tanya Zaikina, MIR staff member, writes from St. Petersburg:

Storage at the Boldyrev's flat
This is a story to show how one person can bless so many. And you can, too.
Recently I have become a part of one event. As we handled this project, there were so many blessings about it and it was a joy to be useful:
A young man, who prefers to remain anonymous, made a donation of different household and sewing items. He got the stuff as an inheritance and decided to bless people who have needs. Among other things there was a knitting machine, a lot of wool, cloth, summer and winter clothing, shoes and other things which might be useful in any home.
Through Yan and Nadya Boldyrev (who have served in orphanages for many years) he donated it all to orphanages and rehabilitation centers.
Here are some of the organizations that received donated items:
Irina, receiving donations at “Taste of life”
Shelter “Harbor”
- Children shelter “Life”
- “Nehemiah” organization
- Sunday school of Christian church (Kolpino city)
- Orphanage “Nikolskoe”
- “Rodnichek” – private centre for children from disadvantaged families
- Christian Church (Petergoff city)
- Children’s ministry of Church “Word of Faith”
- Christian ministry “Taste of Life”
- Shelter for young mothers with children (from the church “The Source of Life”)
- Orphanage #2
- Rehabilitation Centre of “Grace” Church (Pushkin city)
- Also a few orphanage graduates were blessed by some of these donations.

Socks knitted by adults and children (”Grace” Сhurch, Pushkin city) using the donated knitting machine