Megan is living and working at the Road of Life Transition home. Here’s some news from her:
I have been here only 11 days and I already feel like I am a part of this family. I feel so blessed to be here working along side Vera and Vova in their ministry.
A week after I arrived our family got a little bit bigger. Our transition home now consists of nine people including me. Vera and Vova welcomed two new girls to their home last Tuesday and things are going quite well.
I have had the privilege to get to know each one of the girls and have had the chance to bond with each one. I have been able to connect with each girl in different ways from teaching one English to sharing photos with another.
The Lord is building bridges over the language barrier so that communication is possible. One of my biggest worries was communicating, but this has only been a slight problem.
So far during my time here, I have been able to help Vera and the girls with cooking and some cleaning, helping and participating in Bible study, and going with Vera to an orphanage.
I have met many people here in St. Petersburg that have been willing to help with anything, I know this is the Lord providing for my every need. He is so faithful!
I believe strongly in Deuteronomy 32:4 (God’s Word):
“He is a rock. What He does is perfect. All His ways are fair. He is a faithful God, who does no wrong, He is honorable and reliable.”
I praise God everyday for being my Rock. He is my strength each and everyday. I know I can rely on Him to provide.
Every time Vera tries to tell me something, I always pray first so that the Lord will bring understanding and let me tell you He does. I look forward to each day seeing the Lord work here in St. Petersburg.