It has been such long time since we updated you with the things that were happening here in Montenegro. Thank you for your patience with us.

mne-missionetFor the New Year, a group of teenagers with few of us adults, went to Germany for MissionNet event where 2000 other teenagers from Europe came for a celebration conference.

It was a good occasion for our teenagers to be encouraged by seeing and making connections with their generation from other countries.

It was also good time spent on the road because 23 hours of traveling makes good opportunity to connect closer with each other.

MNE-ChristmasOur most recent event was a Christmas program that we had by Eastern Orthodox tradition on Jan 7th.

You used to get a report from us that there were thousands of shoe boxes distributed through out of  Montenegro. But not this time. For our Christmas program there were just about 80 kids and the reason for such small number was the fact that there was not shoe box distribution this year. We decided to have a break after 15 years of this program. We still wanted to offer Christmas program.

We are anyway pretty encouraged because there are some new kids who would like to attend our regular kid’s clubs. One parent said that she would like to attend our regular Sunday’s meetings.


We are expecting this April to welcome Nick Vujicic who is traveling as a motivational speaker around the world. We want to be well prepared for this opportunity and have good material for distribution and follow-up.

Our great joy is that we have two more people from RETO rehab center. One of them (Mileta) was there for three years and the other one (Mladen) just three months. For now both of them are stable and we are praying that they would continue to be good husbands and fathers. Mladen, has a wife who is not a believer and 2 of 3 kids are attending our kids clubs and took part in Christmas play. We are praying that his wife will see her need for the Savior.

mne-mapI mentioned in last prayer letter that we started cooperation with ministry Every Home for Christ (EHC) (local name Peace to Your Home). Since then, there have distributed around 35,000 tracts but because of change of structure (due to Nedeljko’s moving to Serbia) we need to regroup now and start the process differently.

The tract (Lazar’s testimony) that we produced as locals to locals is addressing the current biggest problem in society – the bondage of drugs but also the way to freedom in Christ. We need prayer for Lazar and his family because we can see the enemy’s attempts to disturb them. We also need prayer to be well organized because we need to have solid group of people who will be seriously dedicated to this task.

Our goal is to distribute 200,000 in next two years. To achieve this goal we need to be consistent. There is so much more to be done. (The circles on the map shows the towns where distribution was happening).

A big thanks to all of you, who are supporting us by prayer & financially. We are so thankful to the Lord to have you as coworkers in His kingdom.

In His love,

Vladimir and Marijana