God has given us grace through Jesus Christ; through Him we may have peace with God the Father.
May the Lord bless you and keep you; may He make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
For He is the Prince of Peace.
Merry Christmas, from the Stoneworks Family —
 The Goncharenkos, Minsk, Belarus |
 The Boldyrevs, St. Petersburg, Russia |
 The Tovstopyats, St. Petersburg, Russia |
 Violeta Pavetic, Podgorica, Montenegro |
 The Sukhovskis, St. Petersburg, Russia |
 The Belonozhkins, Far Northern Russia |
 The Cizmanskis, Podgorica, Montenegro |
 The Cantrells, St. Petersburg, Russia |
 Mary Jean Preece, David Hulley, USA |