From Liz Hulley Sukhovskaya

“We have sad news in the orphanage.” I felt like my heart stopped when Galina told me that today during our weekly tutoring session.

I immediately started thinking of the “older” ladies who worked at the orphanage. I hoped nothing had happened to one of them.

“It’s Liosha,” said Galina. “His parents are not coming to get him. The adoption is not going to happen. Liosha cried when he found out, and he went to camp yesterday.”

My heart was breaking for Liosha at this news. Out of all the wounded kids, his pain and loneliness gets to me the most. Galina said that when he came to the orphanage he used to just sit under a desk, afraid to come out.

He was afraid of me too, for a while. But nowadays I can get a playful smile.

Getting adopted seemed like the best thing that could happen to Liosha. He is so fragile emotionally, though he is a kind, smart boy. I just can’t picture his future after graduating from the orphanage.

A new life in California, on a farm, in a family…that sounded like the perfect answer to prayer. I want to believe that he still has a chance to find a family, but I am despairing.

You see, Liosha is 16. I’m pretty sure this is the cut-off age for adoption.

And I also wonder if he will be able to trust again, after this disappointment. My heart hurts for him right now.