Last week was very busy. A lot of preparations for the May ski retreat. Meeting with people, trying to put all the things together – prepare and fix all the gear, make sure everyone is equipped and has all the information about the trip. This time 13 men will go (last year we were 6), including 2 unsaved. We didn’t have enough skis, so I had to make a new pair and fix older ones.

manforge-apr-018On Friday April 18 we had a men’s meeting in Kirovsk. It was the second meeting there. There were men from 3 churches. We discussed very difficult topics. We talked about different kind of addictions, especially porn addiction, why it affects men so hard.

We had some discussions about the difference between drug addiction, for example, and porn addiction. What’s in common, and what’s different. Talked about God’s ways to overcome it. But that was only the beginning of a greater conversation. We will continue in June, but now we will stay in contact over the internet and on the phone.

Three men from that meeting have decided to create a ‘complete accountability group’ and asked for guidance with that.

Saturday Apr 19, there was a men’s meeting in Monchegorsk. There were men from Monchegorsk and Olenegorsk. We talked about accountability and friendship. There were many new men.


The same evening, Masha led a meeting for women in Monchegorsk. She was sharing a message about the Church, being in the body of Christ, what a blessing it is for us. She also prayed for them and they had tea and cakes together.

manforge-apr-023Earlier that day, she initiated and organized a ‘cardboard evangelization’ in Murmansk. She and a dozen volunteers from Murmansk church made cardboard signs with Bible quotes written on them and stood on the streets. People would read the signs and some would come ask questions. It was a challenge for most of them.

Sunday, Apr 20, I preached in Monchegorsk Church. It’s a great church, I love to be there. Later, Sunday afternoon, I played the drums with Olenegorsk worship band in Murmansk church. We got home very late and tired. But it was a very interesting weekend, full of grace and blessings.

This Friday me and some other men from the team will go to have a men’s meeting in Nickel – Friday evening, and in Vadso – Saturday evening. we will also have some important meetings in Vadso in order to prepare the International men’s retreat in May.


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