Here is an update for all our friends.

First of all, Masha is in the hospital right now. She was taken there by an ambulance a couple of nights ago. The doctors at first said they must do surgery, but it wasn’t necessary as they discovered now, thank God! Anyway, she will have to spend about 10 days in the hospital. I cancelled the men’s group in Olenegorsk/Monchegorsk this week because of that.

A week before, she went to Moscow to a women’s ministry meeting. She was VERY much encouraged, met many interesting people, visited interesting churches.


She was able to fly there because of Stoneworks International support.

When Masha was in Moscow, I went to Vadso, Norway, with a team of men, for the 2nd men’s group meeting there. This time there were 6 local men and 4 Russians. The first time we met there were 5 Russians and 3 locals. I like the dynamics. There were 3 native Norwegians, 1 afro-Norwegian, 1 Kurdi (Iranian) and 1 Israeli.

The men’s groups here in the Murmansk Region are functioning normally. We have scheduled the opening of a new group in Kirovsk Feb 22. I’m flying to Kristiansand, Norway, Friday morning. There will be a National Norwegian men’s conference. It will be difficult, because Masha will be still in the hospital.

We are also starting a new thing – web ministry. We don’t have the web site built yet, but it has already started. There will be webinars for the men who live outside Murmansk Region. We have a free 50 person room for that.

Right now I’m working on porn addiction recovery program. There are some men who are following it already.

