Hello friends and family in Christ Jesus
The world is in a mess but with Jesus there is life, and life in abundance.
Jesus makes a way where the world says stop. thank you all for praying and continued care and support that makes so much come to pass.
The pictures from this summer are about 2 houses that were built in Tigmandru for a family of 6 and a single elderly lady, Both situations were cases of homelessness and with provision coming from an American christian friend and a northern Irish charity <Project Romania>. Praise the lord.
The pictures also show our Tigmandru church trip out to the zoo for the kids who come to the weekly bible group we do. also provision came to bless the teenagers who attend the same church go to a 3 day christian camp, praise the lord.
A week’s trip to Bucharest was to work again on building showers and toilets for a church that ministers to people who live on the street. We did also a service there and had an evening visit to Teen Challenge that was started in the 60s by David Wilkerson. Romania has a place for ex drug addicts, we were able to share and pray for each of the 20+ people who are going through rehab.
Weekly distribution happens most weeks to poor villages but this is outreach where we also serve hotdogs drinks and have chairs for the sick to come and receive prayer and many are healed by the Holy Spirit, praise God. These outreaches are in many villages and working with local churches or ministry teams that go a lot to these places.
A new church opened up in Cris near Danes and equipping and helping to do up a building and the men who serve there has been in this summers work, this goes on into the autumn with the practical and spiritually.
Cristi and Hodu are helping me as they are sponsored,from AMEN UK charity with several volunteers as they can.
We as a family are very grateful to all who pray and support us as a family and the work and persons around us.
I want to mention also how God has blessed and helped us through Stoneworks International and friends from Australia with the children’s ministry.
The vision the Lord gave us to equip those who are growing in the Lord across the denominational lines with teachings on prophetic, healing evangelism, spiritual warfare, how to prepare a message, the calling of God, and giving was done over 3 days with 15 students using 4 teachers
- Michael Cantrell – prophecy, American missionary
- Relu Criturean – how to prepare a message, a Church of the Nazarene pastor
- Albert Enns – the calling of God, bible college missionary
- Me – spiritual warfare, giving, healing evangelism
- with Rodica doing all the translating except for 1 session.
- and a team of helpers to prepare food and drinks with accommodation and setting at Albert/Elviras Bible college near Rupea,
This was funded from the Lord through AMEN UK charity and we thank the Lord many were blessed and equipped. Praise the Lord.
Many have helped from many places and countries to bring about these events and many have come to Christ or a step closer to Christ through witness and His Word and healings and so much other things that the knows about.
Rodica and Miheala Mihi do a weekly ladies bible study in Tigmandru, and i continue there with a weekly kids group with food and DVD bible story followed by adults bible study.
I want to give a great big PRAISE THE LORD AND THANK YOU ALSO TO MY WIFE RODICA AND MY DAUGHTER SABRINA. They are very precious and important.
Love in Jesus, from David